What are the differences between ebikes and bicycles? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages of Ebike:
Power assistance: Easier riding, especially for long-distance riding, uphill sections or people with insufficient physical strength.
Save physical strength: Power assistance reduces the physical exertion of the rider, improves the comfort and sustainability of riding.
Increase speed: In power-assisted mode, Ebike can reach the required speed faster and shorten commuting time.
Environmental protection and energy saving: Using electric drive reduces dependence on fossil fuels and environmental pollution.
Affordable: Compared with cars and motorcycles, Ebike has lower operating and maintenance costs.
Advantages of traditional bicycles:
No need for power support: It is completely driven by human power, and there is no need to worry about battery power and charging.
Simple structure: Easy to maintain and repair, reducing the cost of use.
Exercise: The cardiopulmonary function and lower limb muscles can be fully exercised during riding.
Environmental protection: Zero emission, environmentally friendly.
Advantages of Ebike:
Power assistance: Easier riding, especially for long-distance riding, uphill sections or people with insufficient physical strength.
Save physical strength: Power assistance reduces the physical exertion of the rider, improves the comfort and sustainability of riding.
Increase speed: In power-assisted mode, Ebike can reach the required speed faster and shorten commuting time.
Environmental protection and energy saving: Using electric drive reduces dependence on fossil fuels and environmental pollution.
Affordable: Compared with cars and motorcycles, Ebike has lower operating and maintenance costs.
Advantages of traditional bicycles:
No need for power support: It is completely driven by human power, and there is no need to worry about battery power and charging.
Simple structure: Easy to maintain and repair, reducing the cost of use.
Exercise: The cardiopulmonary function and lower limb muscles can be fully exercised during riding.
Environmental protection: Zero emission, environmentally friendly.
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