Choosing to pay by PayPal, please click “Complete order”, You will be redirected to a secure page where you can enter your information and complete the payment securely.

- PayPal

We cooperate with the payment service provider PayPal ("PayPal") to offer you the following payment options as part of the PayPal service. To make payments through PayPal, you must be registered with PayPal, authenticate yourself using your login credentials, and confirm the payment instruction. The payment transaction will be executed immediately by PayPal after the order is submitted.

PayPal may offer additional payment methods to registered PayPal customers who have selected them according to their own standards. We have no influence on providing these methods; additional personalized payment methods involve legal relationships between you and PayPal. For more information, please refer to your PayPal account.

Instalments via PayPal

We cooperate with PayPal to offer you the opportunity to pay in instalments. This is subject to a successful credit assessment. In terms of payment processing, PayPal's terms and conditions also apply, in addition to our own Terms and Conditions. For more information, please refer to the ordering process.

 Apple Pay is a mobile payment and e-wallet service released by Apple at the fall 2014 product
launch. lt’s integrated into Apple Wallet and can only be used through Apple devices/systems.

Apple has high visibility, large user base and high user loyalty.

Convenient. Built into Apple devices,no need to download and install payment tools.

Pay with just one touch, the interface does not jump, a floating window popsup below the merchant APP interface, and the payment can be completedusingfingerprint/face authentication.

Easy payment, higher order conversion rate, lower churn rate, more ordersand revenue.

Verified by 3Ds, Apple does not store payment information during thetransaction.

Google Pay is a mobile payment and e-wallet service released by Google.

Google is well-known and has a large user base.
Google Pay supports both Android and IOS systems, regardless of model and brand, suitable for a wide range of mobile devices, and has good compatibility with devices of different brands and systems.

Payment is convenient, and on devices that cannot be physically verified, such as fingerprint recognition, users can activate Google Pay with a password,which provides wider coverage.

More secure: Google Pay doesn't send credit or debit card numbers with payments. Instead, a virtual account number is generated that represents user account information.This service keeps customer payment information confidential and sends a one-time security code.


>Definition: A Card Scheme is a central payment network that processes credit and debit card transactions.

>Main brands: VlSA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners, JCB.

>Among them, VlSA and MasterCard are the most widely used.

> Card issuing banks often issue co-branded cards to expand user groups and scope of use.